
Detailing Products Gallery

One-Stop Solution for Car Detailing Training

At Detailing Academy, we are car enthusiasts first and foremost. We love clean cars and our work shows our love for cars. We train our students to focus on each, every aspect of car detailing, ranging from the tyres to the body as well as the interior.

We wouldn’t be who we are without placing a major emphasis on quality. We take pride in what we do, and it is why we are able to grow our ever-growing business through customer referrals. 

Best Trainers

Detailed Course



Detailing Products Gallery

Choose from our detailing products that can transform your vehicle back to a brand new look with longer-lasting results.

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Frequently Asked Questions...

Our car detailing course helps you build and improve your detailing skills so you can get more out of your business or career. We offer both digital and classroom training—delivered virtually as well as in-person—so you can choose to learn online at your own pace or learn best practices from an instructor in our detailing studio.

We have classes of various duration based on the course you are enrolling for. If you are strapped for time then you can join our 3 days detailing class. For a more detailed hands-on training we would recommend our longer duration classes like 15 or 30 days class.

We understand joining a course is a big commitment of both your time and effort, which is why we offer a free no obligation 2 days demo class to ensure you are satisfied and confident before enrolling on our detailing course. No contract or payment required.